1st Class Gardens

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Category: Garden (page 7 of 13)

Creating a child-friendly garden

If you are a parent of children over the age of 1 then you will probably already be aware of how hard it can be to maintain a child-friendly garden that still looks nice and is a place for adults to relax in too. Children’s play equipment seems to be getting bigger and taking up more of the garden and not only does it leave little room for anything else but it often can damage the grass. Paddling pools are also a nightmare for avid gardeners as the area around them often gets damaged, muddy and makes it very hard for the grass to recover even after the pool has been removed. If you really want to have a child-friendly garden and still keep areas untouched then it is advisable... Continue reading

When is the best time to plant grass seeds

With a harsh winter this year, many of our gardens have suffered. Your lawn may be looking rather bear with dead patches all over it and little signs of new growth. Although it is a little too early to plant grass seed yet (especially due to the cold weather we have been getting), there is no harm in preparing for it. You need to make sure that your garden is getting enough light as without sunlight you will find it hard to have a nice lawn. Check for any trees that could be pruned or removed that may add light on to your lawn and cut back any bushes or shrubs that are creeping out into the grassed area. Before planting grass seeds you need to rake the area that... Continue reading

Spring gardens are just around the corner

With spring just around the corner, many people are turning their attentions back to their gardens that may have been left untouched over the winter months. Over winter gardens tend to get a bit neglected and everything dies back. This can make your garden look bear and unkempt. If you have children or dogs you may find that the garden has become a bit of a mud bath and you need to think about when you are going to replant the grass seed in order for it to come back. The first thing to do is to get rid of all the dead shrubbery and rake the garden. Once you have a blank canvas to work on you can then start to decide what you want in your garden and... Continue reading

Getting your garden winter ready

With many of us experiencing snow for the first time this year, you may notice your garden starting to look a little worse for wear. The snow came down extremely heavy in parts of the Uk and stayed on the ground for a good few days allowing the frost to set in. Frost can kill off many plants and also the grass and some gardeners worry about how to keep their gardens in tip top condition over the winter months. If you have plants outside that do not cope well with the colder weather, then you need to ensure that they are either bought in the house or put in a greenhouse that will protect them a bit from the elements. Trying to ensure that you remove all the leaves... Continue reading

Having trouble with your lawn?

During the summer months especially, it is often easy to let your lawn get into a bit of a mess. If you have children then they may have equipment on the lawn such as trampolines and slides which can very quickly kill off any grass. If we have long periods of dry weather then unless you remember to water the grass, you will quickly find that you are left with bare patches. Ideally to keep your lawn in tip-top condition there are a certain number of things that you need to do on a regular basis. The first thing to bear in mind with regards to play equipment is to keep it off the grass as much as possible. You may want to move it on to a patio area... Continue reading
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