Just like anywhere else, caring for your lawn turf in Kettering requires a right balance of water and sunlight. The lawn turf is prone to pests and diseases but with proper care and maintenance the threat is lessened and your lawn is able to thrive. Other than water and sunlight, the lawn turf also requires fertiliser and regular mowing.
Immediately after installing new lawn turf in Kettering, you should water it. This needs to be done by thoroughly soaking it wet so that the dirt below also gets wet and thus allow the roots to grow into it. For the first few weeks you will have to thoroughly soak it but thereafter you can water it just like any other lawn. However, during the hot seasons, regular light watering is recommended until you are sure that the turf has completely rooted down.
When is the best time to water?
Early in the morning less water is lost via evaporation and thus it is advisable to water the lawn turf then. Watering at night is discouraged as the lawn stays wet all through the night which encourages the growth of fungus and disease attacks. Also avoid watering the lawn too often as it will develop shallow roots which are unhealthy.
Usually, experts on lawn turf will advise that you wait at least 10 days after installing the turf before you can mow it. Mow the lawn when it is dry to avoid leaving tracks or trails on it. Set the mower on the highest setting to avoid scalping the plant which may send it into shock.
When and how regularly should you mow?
It is suggested that after the first mow, you wait a week before you can so again. After this you can then adopt a mowing schedule that works for your lawn. Experts advise that you mow the turf when it is about 6com long. Set the mower to a cutting setting height of 3-5 cm depending on the season and personal preference. For instance, during winter you can mow with a setting of 2cm or higher to reduce stress on the turf. It is therefore wise that you are familiar with the climate in Kettering.
If your lawn turf is new, it is better to start it off with a pre-lawn starter that contains water holding crystals. Then after you are to adopt a regular fertilisation schedule to ensure that the lawn remains healthy. Every 6-8 weeks, slowly feed the lawn with a release of organic fertiliser.
How to put in the fertiliser
Note that the fertiliser release needs to be slowly as putting in too much of it can be quite expensive and could also cause serious havoc on the turf. It is also wise to identify the best seasons when to fertilise it. Evenly spread the fertiliser over the lawn using a spreader and thereafter deeply water it. Proper use of fertilisers helps minimises risk of diseases such as Fusarium.
These are the key and most essential tips in maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn turf.